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And for the animal accomplice… Death!

Whenever I’ve heard the question, what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom, responses inevitably cluster around some specific form of cognitive capacity: tool-making and using, abstract thought, that ability to transcend temporality, emotional experience, language, moral culpability,

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Posted in Gender and Sexuality, Latin American History

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Good morning from Quito, Ecuador. After what was a largely uneventful flight and a first night of altitude-induced difficult sleep, I’m sitting in my room at the Casa Foch awakened early by the sun. Largely uneventful, but not completely uneventful

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Posted in Gender and Sexuality, Latin American History, Research and Writing

De Marica a Maricon: Following Definitions of Marica, Maricon, and Sodomia with the Real Academia Española

I’m currently writing a chapter for my book on the events surrounding the establishment of local ruling juntas in Quito in 1809 and 1810. In chasing down a few citations a couple of days ago, I came across a classic,

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Posted in Gender and Sexuality, Latin American History

Hacer juicio ú dictamen acerca de alguna cosa... significando que el objeto excita el juicio ú dictamen en la persona que le hace.

Deducir ante el Juez la accion ú derecho que se tiene, ó las excepciones que excluyen la accion contrária.

RAE 1737 Academia autoridades
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Chad Black

I, your humble contributor, am Chad Black. You can also find me on the web here.