Blog Archives

aggregating student blogs

For several semesters now I’ve made writing blog posts in response to each week’s content a central assignment for my graduate and upper division undergraduate courses. The assignment essentially requires students to write either a prompted or unprompted (depending on

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Posted in Teaching

wordpress 3.0 and fun

I took the plunge this Spring semester and started hosting my own installations of wordpress to run courses, using dreamhost. At the time I decided to do this, dreamhost was running a special in which a year’s hosting cost me

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Posted in Teaching

Hacer juicio ú dictamen acerca de alguna cosa... significando que el objeto excita el juicio ú dictamen en la persona que le hace.

Deducir ante el Juez la accion ú derecho que se tiene, ó las excepciones que excluyen la accion contrária.

RAE 1737 Academia autoridades
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Chad Black

I, your humble contributor, am Chad Black. You can also find me on the web here.