Blog Archives

a cross-series cluster image using ncd

I have more to say about this later, but I find this image pretty interesting. When doing a box-by-box comparison of 12 different series finding guides from the Archivo Nacional del Ecuador, you get an image like this: (Click to

Posted in Digital History, Latin American History, programming, Research and Writing

blogging, it’s academic

I’m on my way this morning to the AHA, where I’ll first up be participating in THATCamp AHA. Happily, the presence of Dan Cohen on the AHA program committee, combined with the interest and commitment of outgoing President Anthony Grafton

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Posted in Digital History

a static-site dh research archive

Breaking some rule or another Design for this dummy Interactivity? What’s the point? Breaking some rule or another I’ve been on a static website kick lately. Last spring I got hacked on my old wordpress multisite install through a well-known

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Posted in Digital History, programming

Hacer juicio ú dictamen acerca de alguna cosa... significando que el objeto excita el juicio ú dictamen en la persona que le hace.

Deducir ante el Juez la accion ú derecho que se tiene, ó las excepciones que excluyen la accion contrária.

RAE 1737 Academia autoridades
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Chad Black

I, your humble contributor, am Chad Black. You can also find me on the web here.